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If I Had a "Do-over"

Some unsolicited advice for business counselors

In my role as a certified business analyst and regional director for the Utah Small Business Development Center network, I've had the privilege of advising hundreds of small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Throughout my tenure of over 15 years, I can recall only a couple instances where a client walked in and explicitly said, "I need assistance with my business strategy." Instead, their requests typically centered around areas such as financing, improving cash flow, marketing, and sales. Whether they were struggling and needed help turning things around, or were doing well, but wanted to improve further, I loved every day of it.  Addressing these crucial aspects of business operations brought me immense satisfaction. I admire the ingenuity, tenacity, and courage of the men and women of these small businesses. 

During the most recent ten years of my career, the type of work I have done with small businesses has been of a different nature.  Instead of working with businesses in Utah, I've worked with businesses throughout the country.  Although still small businesses, they've been larger than most of the small businesses I was accustomed to counseling.  As a team leader on the National Strategic Research Team, I've led over 150 very successful engagements with businesses of various sizes and types.  The majority of these clients have been seasoned business professionals. We've provided little to no tactical assistance.  Instead, we've focused on strategy and important market insights that help them make informed strategic growth decisions. 

I recognize that both strategic and technical assistance are valuable.  But I now have absolute clarity regarding the importance of addressing strategy first.  Strategy, before tactics.  Always.  Regardless of the size or condition of the business. (Here's the 30-second explanation of why.)

If I could rewind and do those first 15 years over, I would ask clients if we could spend 30 minutes examining their strategy first. While the technical assistance undoubtedly aided them, I'm certain that integrating strategic adjustments would have simplified their journey and accelerated their business growth significantly.  I am certain because I have seen it happen, time after time after time.

This realization (and the fact that I don't have a do-over) has given birth to Strategy Guidemap.  

If I Had a "Do-over"
Alan Christensen March 5, 2024
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