On July 4, 1776, the United States declared its independence, a bold move that symbolized the nation's courage and perseverance. Behind this momentous event were some of the world's great minds, planning and strategizing to form a nation that could stand and withstand the challenges of the coming decades and centuries.
Alexander Hamilton spoke of the "means, by which the excellences of republican government may be retained and its imperfections lessened or avoided..." These means began with a foundation laid by exceptional mental exertion leading to a a strategy that took shape in the form of the founding documents of our country. This "strategy" has guided our nation and along the way it has been tested. As Abraham Lincoln noted in his Gettysburg Address, the Civil War forced us to consider "whether [our] nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure." He described the Civil War as a test of whether a nation founded on principles of liberty and equality could survive. Could a government of the people, by the people, for the people actually work?
Courage and perseverance were the cornerstones of America's fight for freedom. Facing the might of the British Empire, the colonists dared to dream of independence. Treason! Not only their "sacred honor" but their very lives were at risk.
May we all dare to dream and have the courage to pursue those dreams. I work with many small business owners who have sacrificed to pursue dreams up a treacherous path that tests them and requires a great deal of perseverance. Although most small business owners don't put their lives on the line as did many of our founding fathers, they do take risks and push boundaries to transform visions into realities. Many do so to better society and in search of greater personal freedom, such as autonomy, control, creative freedom, and financial independence.
A great strategy does not eliminate the need for courage and perseverance. But, in many cases, it is what guides the courageous as they persevere toward success.