Register for Less
Check out the savings opportunities below, then click the button below to register.
Strategy Guidemap works with several organizations to make your training more accessible and affordable. Please review the following opportunities to save money on your registration. For some it may be possible to combine early registration savings, a $50 discount code, and Custom Fit assistance to reduce net cost to under $98.
- Early Registration - Save $100
- Multiple Participants - Save 20%
- Sanpete Chamber of Commerce Member - Save $50
- Sanpete Entrepreneur Facebook Group - Save $50
- Custom Fit Training - May apply for up to 50% assistance if eligible
- GRIT Center Student Scholarship - Reduces admission to only $50. May apply if eligible.
Early Bird Registration
$100 Savings below regular price
Register before the early registration deadline (usually 2 weeks before the training) to save $100.
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $100 Early Registration Savings
$245 Low Cost Total
Multiple Participants
20% Savings
Register more than one person (in the same order) and save 20% automatically. Simply add the second registration at the shopping cart and the savings will be applied.
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $100 Early Registration Savings
$245 Early Bird Registration Fee
X 2 Participants
$490 Subtotal
- $98 20% Savings*
$392 Low Cost Total for two participants (only $196 each)
NOTE: Only one discount code may be applied per purchase (not per participants). Thus if a $50 discount code were applied to this purchase, the new, lower price would be $342 - or only $171 per participant.
Sanpete Chamber of Commerce
$50 Discount Code*
If you are a member of the Sanpete County Chamber of Commerce, you are eligible for a $50 discount code that may be used at checkout. Simply contact the chamber and request the code.
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $100 Early Registration Savings
$245 Early Bird Registration Fee
- $50 Discount Code*
$195 Low Cost Total
Sanpete Entrepreneurs Facebook Group
$50 Discount Code*
If you are a member of the Sanpete Entrepreneurs Facebook Group, you are eligible for a $50 discount code that may be used at checkout. Simply go to the group, then in the menu (buttons on a phone) at the top, click on Files. There you will find the Strategy Guidemap Discount Code file. Come back and use the code to register!
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $100 Early Registration Savings
$245 Early Bird Registration Fee
- $50 Discount Code*
$195 Low Cost Total
Custom Fit
Up to 50% Assistance*
If you are a for-profit business in Utah, you are eligible to request assistance from Utah's Custom Fit Training program. Strategy Guidemap is not affiliated with Custom Fit, but each year thousands of Utah businesses receive financial assistance for training through Custom FIt. Custom Fit is a program funded by the State of Utah to encourage training that makes Utah companies more successful. Custom Fit agreements are between the company and Custom Fit and thus Strategy Guidemap cannot offer, approve, nor guarantee these savings. However, if you are in the six-county region of Juab, Millard, Piute, Sanpete, Sevier or Wayne Counties, the red button below will take you to their page where you will find their forms for the four simple steps to reimbursement as well as their phone numbers in case you have any questions.
Possible** Example:
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $100 Early Registration Savings
$245 Early Bird Registration Fee
- $50 Discount Code*
$195 Sub total
- 97.50 Custom Fit Assistance***
= $97.50 New Lower Cost After Custom Fit Assistance
GRIT Center Student Scholarship
Admission for only $50*
In partnership with The GRIT Center at Snow College, Strategy Guidemap awards a limited number of scholarships in the form of a cost reduction to select participants.
- Secondary students. High school students are eligible to apply.
- Post-secondary students. Undergraduate college and university students are eligible to apply.
$345 Regular Registration Fee
- $295 Scholarship code reduction
$50 Cost to student recipient